Arabic Translation. Our Arabic translator's mother tongue is Arabic and has lived in Canada for 3 years. She has a Master degree in Business & Economics and more than 12 years of practical experience, using exclusively English as a business language, and 3+ years of translation and interpretation
Q. How does Arabic read?
A. Arabic reads from right to left.
Q. Do you do derivatives/dialects or different fonts.
A. No we use standard Arabic in the one font as shown.
Orders are generally completed within 48hrs. We use transliteration for our name translations as many western names/words do not have an equivalent, we therefore use the sound of the name transliterated into your chosen language. Buy your name or word as a gift for a friend, they can be used for many fun purposes.
Please be sure to include pronunciation help for any unusual names in the comments box when completing payment.
Large discounts for text over 25 words in length, please email us for a quote stating the desired text and language.